Enter Rumer.
It took me a while to realize that those creative juices weren't going to flow on their own. I really needed to MAKE them flow. At first I balked. "Really? Work at thinking up things to sew?"
Then, I sighed, and I cleaned my sewing table off of random baby things: cloth diapers, covers, thermomters, eye drops, etc... and dusted my machine. And I dove in.
I can't say that I kept much of what I crafted in those first few months of babyhood, most of it was a mess of miss-layed stitches and odd shapes. But it helped the creative juices to flow again.
I learned a few tricks that I hope can help other moms out there who are wondering how their sewing life will ever come back.....
- if at all possible, have a sewing corner. However tiny, make it yours and have your machine out ALL THE TIME. If you have to completely set up every time you want to sew a stitch, trust me, you won't do it.
- make a bulletin board in your bathroom just across from the toilet and pin pages ripped from Parenting Magazine and Mothering, or Brain, Child, whatever you read!
- Next time the baby is going to take a long nap, pop her into a carrier and head to your local fabric shop. Browse and run your fingers over the fabrics as you stroll the isles. Take a couple home!
- Embark on short and easy projects. Try to reward yourself with semi-instant gratification.
- Don't wait until you have a whole hour to dedicate to a project. The beauty of having your machine always handy (OUT!) is that you can sit down for even a three minute stitch. It keeps your brain in the creative zone, really!
- try working with felt. You don't have to worry about finishing seams, and you can create all manner of baby toys that are safe for baby.
{photo from a vintage Dick&Jane book, illustrated by Eleanor Campbell}
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