I supposed I just jump right in, no preamble, and give you some facts.....Sound good?
***and yes, Rumer just took this picture of me, because I have literally NO pictures of myself***
TWO INTERESTING FACTS: I have six sisters and no brothers. I play hockey.
Here is My-Better-Half.
***doesn't he look sweet?!***
TWO INTERESTING FACTS: He can craft a stunning quiche. He is an excellent swimmer.
And my dreamy, creative, sweet little Rumer
***which is her blog name, after Rumer Godden, a favorite author***
TWO INTERESTING FACTS: She was born with cataracts. She could sing the alphabet at 14 months old. Well.
And my spunky, sporty, fire-souled Beatrix
***for Miss Beatrix Potter, who else?!***
TWO INTERESTING FACTS: She can climb a tree quicker then you can snap your fingers. She can ice skate.
And Thomasina....our very own personal house broken wild cat...
***also called Richard Parker***
TWO INTERESTING FACTS: She hates eggs. She loves sardines.
We live in a very tiny, small,
practically closet-like,
tiny (did I say that twice?)
A couple facts:
- homeschool, and have always homeschooled.
- live mostly outdoors, all season round.
- are Roman Catholic.
- try to live below our means, being as frugal as possible.
- thrift, craft, re-create, and make do as a way of life.
- eat a mostly nourishing traditions/GAPS/paleo diet, about 80/20.
- love to bake
- read, read, read
- play music everyday, all day really
- dance, dance, dance (Irish dance and everything else)
Really, very sweet 'About Us' page! I was charmed as I read through and viewed your pictures! Every time I think I'm ready to throw in the towel with regard to my homeschooling blog, something or someone, give me the inspiration to keep writing. You were that inspiration today. Thank you and keep doing what you do!
Carreen and Niamh