Over the years I have discovered so many ways to save money on food. Waste less. Eat less. Etcetera. Here are some big and small ideas that I have implemented in my kitchen.
1. When you make waffles or pancakes, make a triple batch. Fry up half and freeze leftovers. Put the other half in mason jars in the fridge and pull it out all week for fresh pancakes.
2. Save every last meat bone. Never, ever, throw any away. I have a plastic bag in the freezer dedicated to used bones, when it is full, I throw them all in the crockpot and cook for about 24 hours.
3. Pour the last bits of wine from a bottle into whatever pan you have been cooking in to deglaze. It adds so much flavor to dishes!
4. Microwave the honey or maple syrup jar to loosen the last bits and add to tea!
5. Use leftover pickle juice to make pickled eggs. Just cook every so slightly, and add to jar. Cover with enough water to make it to the top. Leave out for two days, refrigerate. Good in a week or two!
Art by Anna Bailey.
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