When My Better Half and I were in college eight years ago, we planned our wedding all throughout our senior year. After loosing a bet about the future president, we decided to move to Europe. We knew we wanted to get work and be able to stay for a long period. Well, more about that later.....
Paris was a place I had always wanted to go, and when My Better Half's parents graciously agreed to fly us there on frequent flyer miles, we were thrilled.
Except, we had less then no money.
We had to figure out a way to make the week in Paris fun and exciting, while also eating and transporting ourselves without spending all our money.
Here are the things we learned that really worked:
1. walk, walk, walk....it is cheap and free. When we had to get someone far, we bought single metro tickets.
2. go to all the free museums, and there are lots!
3. a bauguette, brie, and fruit juice can keep you going for a long time!
4. if you need a treat, the street vendors crepes are cheap and good. get one with lots of protein in it!
5. bike tours are far cheaper (and more fun) then the stodgy walking tours, and you see more for your money!
6. Macdonalds has the best free wifi, forget the internet cafe's which charge an arm and a leg.
7. the backs of cool, quiet churchs are a good place to get a little rest and even doze off in turns if your brave enough.
8. if you must go to a restaurant, get a salad! they are huge and will feed two easily.
There are my tips! Enjoy your trip!
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